Tinker’s Planner Mod 1.16.5 is an add-on to Tinkers’ Construct. It will help the user preview the stats of TiCon tools with any tool parts effortlessly.

Abilities in Tinker’s Planner
You are playing with an entirely client-side mod.
It actually adds a blueprint icon to the Tinker Station and Tinker’s Anvil. You can click the icon to open the Planner UI. The Blueprint icon can show the Planner UI easily.
From that place, it’s possible for you to draft tools and view their stats.
Besides, you are able to bookmark the tools that you have already created to reference later.
Additionally, you can sort tool part lists by specific attributes, for example, mining speed or durability.
Finally, it’s feasible to form random tool combinations for fun.
Tinker’s Planner mod allows you to learn much more about your armor, tools, and weapons.
- Minecraft Forge