More Chickens Mod 1.12.2/1.11.2/1.10.2 adds extra chickens to Minecraft. You can breed the new chickens to have a new chicken type that gives you ores.
There are plenty of tasks for you to do in the game, from mining resources, building stuff, to breeding animals. Chickens are also common creatures that have a high spawn rate. Instead of playing with the common chickens, now, you can use the new ones added by this Mobs mod. The new chickens can be bred together to create new chicken types that are stronger. Then, you can use those chicken types to have new ore types. Here are some new chickens you can find in the mod:
- Flint Chicken
- Snowball Chicken
- Nether Quartz Chicken
- Gunpowder Chicken
- Lava Chicken
- And more
After breeding them, they will give you some new ores such as Diamond Chicken, Ghast Tear Chicken, etc. The mod also adds some chickens from famous mods like Tinkers’ Construct, Draconic Evolution, and Botania.
From Tinkers’ Construct:
- Cobalt
- Manyullyn
- Ardite
- Pig Iron
- Knight Slime
- Purple, Magma, Blue Slime
- Coagulated Blood
From Draconic Evolution:
- Draconium
- Awaken Draconium
From Botania, you have:
- ManaSteel
- TerraSteel
- Elementium
More Chickens Mod requires:
- Minecraft Forge
- Chickens Mod (by SetyCz)