More Enchantments Mod Feature

More Enchantments Mod 1.16.5

Elevate your Minecraft adventure with More Enchantments Mod 1.16.5, a transformative game-changer that brings a variety of new enchantments to your tools. Enchantments are known for adding excitement to the game, and this mod kicks it up a notch. As a committed player, you’re aware that enchantments enhance the thrill of the game, and this mod amplifies it significantly.

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More Enchantments Mod 1.16.5

More Enchantments Mod introduces a range of enchantments that predominantly focus on tools. Your Elytra wings, for instance, become even more versatile with enchantments like Iron Wings, providing additional armor for your aerial expeditions, and Gliding, boosting your flight efficiency.

Furthermore, this Minecraft Mod doesn’t stop at Elytra; it introduces a range of enchantments tailored for tools. The Compression Enchantment, for example, changes the game dynamics by allowing players to dig coal ore with a chance to unearth precious diamonds. This not only adds an element of unpredictability to mining but also adds a rewarding twist to an everyday task.

The mod boasts an array of enchantments beyond those highlighted here. Each enchantment is designed to bring diversity and excitement to the gameplay, encouraging players to experiment and discover the enchantments that best suit their playstyle.

Features of More Enchantments Mod 1.16.5

Here are the features of More Enchantments Mod 1.16.5, accompanied by images to enhance your understanding:


  • Armoring: It increases the armor points provided by your armor, making you even more resilient against attacks.
  • Steeliness: Enhances the toughness of your armor, reducing the damage you take from strong blows.
  • Agility: Boosts your movement speed, allowing you to traverse the world more swiftly.
  • Leaping increases your jump height and decreases your fall speed, granting you greater mobility and the ability to reach higher places.
  • Sturdiness: Minimizes the knockback you experience when struck by enemies or projectiles, keeping you steady in combat.
  • Furor: Accelerates your attack speed, enabling you to strike your foes more rapidly.
  • Range: It extends the reach of your tools, allowing you to mine blocks or attack enemies from a safer distance.

Additional Features:

  • Compatibility with other mods: This mod works seamlessly with other popular mods that add new materials or tools.
  • Customizability: Offers options to tweak the enchantment levels and compatibility settings to suit your preferences.
  • Intuitive interface: Presents the enchantments in a clear and accessible manner, making it easy to understand their effects.

In conclusion, More Enchantments Mod 1.16.5 is a game-changer for Minecraft enthusiasts, offering a fresh perspective on enchantments and tool customization. With new possibilities for Elytra and a range of tool enchantments, players can elevate their gaming experience and discover uncharted realms within the Minecraft universe.

If you want to access these features, go to Minecraft Mods PC and download it for free now for an exciting adventure!

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Curseforge Server

Developer: Biom4st3r1


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