LunatriusCore Mod 1.12.2

Category: Minecraft

LunatriusCore Mod 1.12.2/1.10.2/1.7.10 (Library for Lunatrius’s) is designed to be a shared library mod that is used by Lunatrius’s Mods. It is highly recommended for those who are playing or intend to play any of Lunatrius’s Mods. Now follow the article below in order to have mire explorations.

It is a fact that there are more and more core mods added into the Minecraft game besides main mods. It mainly aims to create the possibility to support multiple mods at the same time as well as save maximum resources in-game.

That is the reason why you will frequently see the names of these core mods in the required part of other mods. Now you do not have to fix many mods at once with the same mistakes.


And this mod is one of them. Essentially, it is a compulsory mod for the use of any of Lunatrius’s Mods to properly operate in the version 1.7.2 or higher.

It consists of the core shared classes for other Lunatrius’s Mods development. From that, it will help to save time, decrease the file size, as well as easy to optimize.

Programmed to be a core mod, the mod will not add any new contents of features on its own.

Instead, it will support other mods smoothly run. Make sure that you have this mod installed already alongside the other Lunatrius’s Mods in order to avoid any unwanted errors or crashes.

Don’t hesitate to download LunatriusCore Mod for free here and enjoy it right now.





Minecraft Mod 1.12.2
Minecraft Mod 1.11.2
Minecraft Mod 1.10.2
Minecraft Mod 1.7.10

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