Urns Fabric 1.16.5

Category: Cosmetic

Urns Fabric Mod 1.18.1/1.17.1/1.16.5 is an extremely interesting mod in the game with the ability to add clay pots to the game. Download the mod now to be able to explore it in more detail.


About Urns mod

As you know in the game, clay pots are fragile containers affected by gravity. And so is the clay pot that this mod adds to the game. It’s inspired by classic RPGs where you have vases/jars/pots around the map that you can smash to get items inside, along with the emerald pots of Minecraft Dungeons.

This mod will include some of the following behaviors:

  • Container: holds up to one item stack. Right-click or use a hopper to store items
  • Mysterious: there is no GUI. To discover what’s inside, use either a hopper or brute force!
  • Affected by gravity: falls if there isn’t a supporting block below (like sand)

Obviously, there are countless different interesting things that you can explore in more detail when downloading theĀ Urns mod for your device. This mod will require Fabric API and Fabric Modloader to work properly.


Download Links

Minecraft Mod 1.18.1
Minecraft Mod 1.17.1
Minecraft Mod 1.16.5