Life Steal Enchantment Mod 1.18.2

Category: Magic

Life Steal Enchantment 1.18.2/1.17.1/1.16.5 is a mod that adds a Single Enchantment: Life Steal. It’s able to steal the life of the entity that you have attacked and give it to you.

Life Steal Enchantment
Life Steal Enchantment

More about Life Steal Enchantment

Aside from the description above, you can find out other information as follows.

The amount of Life Stolen will depend on the level of the Enchant.

The Weakest Level is I and the most powerful level is V.

It’s possible to apply the main enchantment to all of the weapons that you own.

You are capable of collecting the enchantment by using usual methods, for example, through an Enchantment Table.


Entity with Sword Gains Amount of Health Left on Hit Entity * (0.1 * Level of Enchantment)

You have 4 HP and you attack an entity that has 10 HP Missing. So, you will heal 1 HP per Level of your enchantment.

In other words, you can heal 1 HP and Level 2 + 2 HP when you have level 1.


It can exist with Grand Enchantment Table.

Life Steal Enchantment is a magic mod. It requires you to download and install Minecraft Forge so it can begin to launch every content.


Minecraft Forge


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Minecraft Mod 1.18.2
Minecraft Mod 1.18.1
Minecraft Mod 1.17.1
Minecraft Mod 1.16.5

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