Ordinary Coins Mod 1.12.2/1.10.2/1.7.10 drops into the game 4 new types of coins. It’s possible to apply them for shopping, trading, chest looting, rewards, RPGP & adventure maps, and so on.

Features from Ordinary Coins
These are important details in the mod.
1 platinum coin = 100 gold coins
1 gold coin = 100 silver coins
1 silver coin = 100 bronze coins
There are 4 sorts of coins.
You can exchange coins with commands.
Mobs will drop coins (comprising other mods).
it’s feasible to repair tools and armor with a command and paying some coins.
Easy to configure
Several commands
/coins stack
/coins unstack
/coins repair. With it, gamers can repair items for 50 silver coins.
It’s simple to edit the number of drops and repairing costs in config/ordinarycoins.cfg
CB permissions
If you have a CraftBukkut server, please deploys the following permissions node to make commands obtainable for players!
– ru.flametaichou.ordinarycoins.OrdinaryCoinsCommands
There are 32x textures for the existing creation.
You can access GitHub to find out more facts.
Ordinary Coins is a server utility mod that also talks about Adventure and RPG elements. It requires Minecraft Forge.