Enchantments Control Mod 1.12.2

Category: Magic

Enchantments Control Mod 1.12.2/1.11.2/1.10.2 is a utility mod as well as a design to change enchantment properties. It’s now easier for you to manage almost every enchantment.

Enchantments Control
Enchantments Control

About Enchantments Control

In fact, it allows the user to almost take control of all vanilla or modded enchantments.

Remember that you can’t edit its behavior!

It’s available to explore configuration settings via chat commands and manual settings file editing (JSON file).

These are supported Minecraft versions: 1.8.9, 1.9.4, 1.10.2, 1.11.2, 1.12.2.

The author will port it to 17.10.

It’s a release for both server and client.

Main features

Possibility to disable enchantments

Rarity, Type, Levels management

Custom enchant ability evaluations(offered with EvalEx)

Applicable equipment slots, incompatible enchantments, compatible items, applicability for books management

Treasure property, Curse property editing

Descriptions for enchantments

Curse Hiding

Other information

The edition supports description for Enchantment Descriptions Mod and WAILA.

The setting is separately per enchantment and you can direct it via JSON config. It will exist in the configuration folder when the first game begins.

Enchantment Control ensured to assist any enchantment customized behavior for vanilla mechanics.

If some mod gives a custom system over the major objects, it can skip new logic. Report that issue! so the maker can add support for it!

Enchantments Control is a server utility mod with plenty of magic additions. To explore all of them, remember to download and install Minecraft Forge.


Minecraft Forge



Download Links

Minecraft Mod 1.12.2
Minecraft Mod 1.11.2

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