The Graveyard 1.16.5

The Graveyard (FORGE/FABRIC) Mod 1.18.2/1.17.1/1.16.5 provides gamers new creepy structures, along with mobs and blocks. These additions will help your adventure in Minecraft become more interesting.

The Graveyard
The Graveyard

The Graveyard Content

It is a mod containing versions such as Fabric 1.16.4, 1.16.5, 1.17. 1.17.1; Forge 1.16.4, 1.16.5.

It actually adds to the world numerous spooky strange items and creatures. The main aim is to improve your adventure atmosphere. Every structure that the owner built manually comes up with details to set up a realistic experience.

The Forge and Fabric versions have the same content.


Here are existing structures:

Small Grave – the final resting place you may not want to encounter frequently while you are traveling.

Small Graveyard – a cemetery that has multiple variants.

Medium Graveyard – a quite large cemetery in the woods. It often surrounds a temple. It hides lots of secrets to unravel and loot to collect. However, you are able to face something dangerous while exploring, especially at night.

Mushroom Grave – an overgrown grave that spawns in swamps, jungles, and on mushroom islands.

Memorial Birch Tree – a spectacular tree in birch forests.

Large Graveyard – an immense jigsaw structure in forests. It’s not a friendly location to visit.


These are blocks that The Graveyard currently adds:

Glazed Urn – an eye-catching urn to store objects.

Small Urn – a basic urn that is good for storage.

Dark Iron Bars – similar to vanilla iron bars but darker and matching the theme.

Skeletons – a fragile decoration block in various forms that you can see in graveyard structures.

Gravestone – edit the gravestone to build a memorial for your lost dog or horse.

Ceramics – vases to decorate the graveyards. They are not craftable.


Skeleton Creeper – a faster undead variant of the creeper. It may lose its destructive powers. Nevertheless, its haunting look will blind you.


There is a config file where you can disable structures and create their generation settings.

Future features

The developer has countless plans and ideas to supplement. It means that there will be more additions next time. They may be:

Structures (underground, jigsaw, or in the other dimension)

New themed mobs

New blocks fitting the graveyard-style

Little challenges and bosses

Other mods

Artificial Foliage (FABRIC) – the mod for those who are terraformers, builders, or nature lovers. It has grass, dirt slabs, colors for grass, leaves, and ferns. It’s possible to plant your blue fern on a red grass slab.

Artificial Foliage (FORGE) – the same mod but for the forge version.

Colorful Azaleas (FABRIC) – the azale bush and moss blocks in all colors.

Overgrown Blocks (FABRIC) – supervise and witness the vines grow with fancy decoration blocks. These blocks turn overgrown gradually.

The Graveyard is a mod that is very suitable for players who love to join Adventure and RPG.


  • Fabric API
  • Fabric Modloader
  • Minecraft Forge


Download Links

Minecraft Mod 1.18.2 (FABRIC)
Minecraft Mod 1.18.2 (FORGE)
Minecraft Mod 1.18.1 (FABRIC)
Minecraft Mod 1.18.1 (FORGE)
Minecraft Mod 1.17.1 (FABRIC)
Minecraft Mod 1.16.5 (FORGE)
Minecraft Mod 1.16.5 (FABRIC)

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