NEI Integration [Forge] Mod 1.7.10 stimulates other mod developers to supplement NEI handlers to their own mods. So, they can easily create their handlers by giving examples.

About NEI Integration
It is two things. It can become a playfield to check out new types of Not Enough Items recipe handlers. Or, it’ll be a destination. In which, it’s possible to place NEI handlers if the owner cannot place them into the mods they were created.
We have a list of the NEI handlers that are existing in the present mod.
Minecraft Forge (disable by default)
Collection of all registered Fluids and associated Fluid Containers
Ore Dictionary usage handler
Big Reactors
Cyanite Reprocessor recipes
Electrical Age
Compressor, Macerator, Magnetizer, and Plate Machine recipes
Forestry 3.6 (integrated with Forestry itself as of Forestry 4)
Custom crafting, Bottler, Carpenter, Centrifuge, Fabricator, Fermenter, Moistener, Squeezer, and Still recipes
MineFactory Reloaded
Recipes of most machines that generate or consume fluids, and the Laser Drill (comprising which foci acts on which ore)
Pam’s HarvestCraft
Presser, Churn, Oven, Quern, and Apiary recipes
Blast Furnace, Coke Oven, Rock Crusher, and Rolling Machine recipes
Other main features
NEI Integration contains a few other highlights that can be effective for developers.
Item tooltips – you can enable/disable and configure them via the config file or Forge’s config GUI.
Ore Dictionary names, Item IDs (like “minecraft:stone”), Fluid Container information, and burn time in furnaces
More data dump types for NEI
Loaded mods, registered Entities and Tile Entities, dimensions, Ore Dictionary Entries, chest loot, registered Fluids, and involved Fluid Containers, with NEI recipe handler class names
There are some requests for additional NEI handlers. They will be acceptable. Just set an issue on GitHub and the author can know what he can solve.
For mod developers
If you are a mod developer and you’d like to migrate some handlers to your mod, you can do so. Actually, that is the main aim of the mod.
NEI Integration is an addons mod. It offers handlers for every mod.
- Minecraft Forge
- Not Enough Items