The Guild [Fabric] Mod 1.18.2/1.17.1 is a quest mod. It’s possible to craft a guild where you can buy Professions Licences and begin accepting quests or expand your selection.

Content of The Guild
It is a mod that the owner created by borrowing the idea from Bountiful. It’s suitable for both the people who want to go on an adventure or start a stable life.
It’s feasible for you to select between 15 different professions. 7 of them are obtainable at present. You can join a journey of questing from now on.
The release supplements quests.
About Quests
A quest is a set of randomly generated missions that often go with a suitable reward, depending on said tasks.
Feasible to customize quests through datapacks. With the right base of defaults, you can embark on the adventure your way.
How to get started
You need to collect a Guild Master in a plains village and purchase a Profession Licence.
We have The Guild, a build existing in plains villages and more rarely in other ones. You can acquire Professions Licences to carry out the quests or to expand your choices.
Quests screen
Getting and utilizing a license will unlock the full Questing system.
To open the Quests Screen, hit the Guild Screen Key (J by default).
The screen displays available quests (on the left) and accepted quests (on the right). Professions can appear on the top.
Datapack guide
Customizing quests is not hard. To set up your own quests datapacks, you can follow the tutorial at
There is going to be a Forge version. However, you can download the Bountiful mod that provides multiple functionalities.
The Guild mod offers a new structure. Explore it and complete quests!