Bountiful 1.18.1 is a mod that focuses on a single block: the Bounty Board. Not only that, it aims at items that pop up within: Bounties.

What is Bountiful?
We have a mod for Fabric here. The Fabric version will ask you to install Kambrik and Fabric Language Kotlin.
How it works:
The bounty boards often appear throughout the world, in villages. They are able to create bounties inside of them.
Bounties usually need you to bring back something or destroy some mobs. If you complete their requirement, you can achieve the rewards that they are offering.
In case you finish the bounty, you only have to bring it back to the bounty board. Then, right-click the board to redeem your rewards.
Within the mod, you can find out another object. It is Decree.
A Decree can decide what type of bounties will perform on a bounty board. For example, an Armorsmith’s Decree can make it so that objectives and rewards related to the armor can show on the board. They may be leather, iron, chestplates, boots, and so on.
You’re capable of getting up to 3 Decrees on a bounty board at the same time. It will mix & match objectives and rewards from the three if new bounties spawn.
It’s possible for you to search for new Decrees as rewards for certain bounties. However, you can make your own. Crafting your own will produce a random decree.
Bounty Tiers
Similar to items, bounties in Bountiful can go with various tiers of rarity. Some bounty rewards are rarer than the rest. Additionally, bounties with higher rarity will have a better chance of collecting these rarer rewards.
Rarity depends on the same pattern as in vanilla. These are rarity levels: Common, Uncommon, Rare, and Epic (with a legendary tier that the mod adds on…).
All of the bounty boards come up with the value associated with them. It is Reputation.
When you turn in more bounties, the number will increase.
When you have a higher reputation, you will possess more rare bounties on the bounty board.
A couple of bounty rewards may not be visible until you gather high enough reputations.
At the moment, the owner has added some support for some objects from other Fabric mods. It’s free to suggest compat with Fabric mods.
The developer plans on adding more features next time.
He initially made the mod so that he could receive a few goals to implement and fulfill. It provides players something to begin when they feel bored. It’s useful to encourage them to craft items that they may not make.
Bountiful is a server utility mod that supplements adventures with many new features.
- Fabric API
- Fabric Modloader
- Fabric API and Fabric Modloader must be installed in advance.