Compact Status Effects 1.18.2/1.17.1/1.16.5 is a mod with the special ability to change the way status effects are displayed. Thanks to this feature, the version will reduce the space consumption of status effects. Your Minecraft experience from here is also significantly enhanced.

About Compact Status Effects mod
More specifically, this mod will allow you to choose from a number of options to display the status of active effects. The effects that you can manipulate are time and image …
The special feature of the mod is this deeper customization of the GUI that will appeal to most PvP players because the new design of effects will make the gameplay a bit clearer and more interesting. In addition, it contains multicolored little hints that indicate how rare a rise and type of resistance is.
If you want to use the Compact Status Effects mod to get more new experiences when playing Minecraft, please install Fabric API and Fabric Modloader first for this mod can work effectively. Good luck to you.
Fabric Modloader
Fabric API
Architectury API
Cloth Config API
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