Tiny Progressions Mod 1.15.2

Category: Apps

Tiny Progressions Mod 1.15.2/1.12.2/1.10.2 supplements blocks and items to help you make your gameplay better. It brings back important assistance along with other features as well.

Tiny Progressions’ Main Function

The most notable idea of the mod is to support the gamer in low-level automation and convenience. Aside from the information above, it’s possible to find another addition in the mid and late games.


Charcoal block

Cobblestone generators

Compressed bone block

Compressed flesh block

Compressed flint block

Compressed nether star block

Diamond apple

Emerald apple

Growth crystals


Mycelium seeds

Watering cans

Wither proof glass

Wither proof obsidian

Diorite, granite, andesite brick blocks

Ender ore and dust

Notch apple recipe or a golden apple progression

Reinforced obsidian ingot

Smooth Endstone

Stone stick and torch

Stone armor

Flint armor

Oak armor

Bone armor

Birthday pickaxe

Emerald and obsidian tools

Lots of configurable stuff

Scythes new right-click ability

Vanilla style scythes, BattleAxes, multi-tools, and spears with a larger reach

Tiny Progressions works with other author’s mods, Knob Control and Magma Monsters

Tiny Progressions is an addons mod including countless content. Download and install Minecraft Forge to test the full release!

Download Links

Minecraft Mod 1.15.2
Minecraft Mod 1.12.2

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