Wolf Armor and Storage Mod 1.12.2

Wolf Armor and Storage Mod 1.12.2/1.10.2/1.7.10 adds armor, storage, and other small improvements to the wolves. To know how it works and its features, you can start here.

Wolf Armor and Storage Content

These are the main features that you’ll receive.

A simple Minecraft mod

5 new armors for the wolf. Find them in generated loot chests or craft in a workbench

How to create:

Collect 3 armor pieces and a few extra materials like leather, iron nuggets, iron ingots, gold ingots, or diamonds. Next, arrange them properly.

Interactions and equipping armor:

An armored wolf can defend its body. Right-click it while keeping the item to apply. Or, sneak and right-click it with any other object to check GUI.

Feasible dye leather armor

An ability to use a chest for a tamed wolf

Easy to view wolves’ stats

Can turn on a version of the hunger

Added 2 new Husbandry advancements


Compatible with any mod that does not have its own mixins on EntityWolf, for example, Zoology, etc.

Wolf Armor and Storage is a mod about mobs, storage, and more. Download and install Minecraft Forge to begin your job!


Download Links

Minecraft Mod 1.12.2
Minecraft Mod 1.11.2

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