Translocators 1.8.+Mod 1.12.2

Translocators 1.8.+ Mod 1.12.2/1.11.2/1.10.2 helps the user transfer items and liquids in an easier manner. Search for the full content here to learn more about existing changes!

Translocators 1.8.+ Features

Translocators is a Minecraft mod. You can move items and liquids between surrounding inventories with a heavily configurable amount of control in a natural way. It’s a design that the author developed in 36 hours during the ModJam modding contest. He also took the first prize.

Translocators the crafting grid placeable

You can locate it with C while looking at a solid top surface.

The device exists in the item and liquid forms. It’s possible to put them on the side of an inventory or a tank. It conveys those materials within the one-block space.

These objects always go to non-Redstone outputs.

Right-click on the plate of the tool will pop up a filter.

Add Glowstone to the plate to deliver stacks at once.

Add Redstone to manage input/output with a signal

Set a diamond nugget to place a translocator in the regulate mode

Its possibilities follow the face.

Add an iron ingot to emit Redstone signals

Shift-Right-click on the plate to strip and drop upgrades

The grid will prolong for 20 seconds or 2 minutes since it’s last used.

Right-click with items to supplement or delete them from that area.

C again on the grid to craft

Translocators 1.8.+ is a technology mod for storage and transport energy, fluid, and items. Download and install Minecraft Forge to open it!

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Minecraft Mod 1.12.2
Minecraft Mod 1.11.2

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