Arcanus Mod 1.18.2

Arcanus 1.18.2 is a magic mod introducing to everyone a magic system and other new items. Check some information about the mod and how to use it!


Arcanus Overview

The owner borrowed the idea of Wynncraft and Electroblob’s Wizardry to create the system. Besides, the developer also releases a set of strange stuff such as new trinkets and structures. Additionally, there will be threats sometime SoonTM in future updates.

How to control

To begin, you need to search for a Library (Village or Stronghold), or a Ruined Portal.

Village Libraries own a guaranteed Spell Book. The remaining part will depend on chance.

After you seek out a Spell Book, what you need to do next is to read it. You will be able to learn much more about that spell.

Not only that, you can embark on casting it by using the Left and Right mouse buttons. You will generate a specific pattern from the book.

Furthermore, it’s possible for you to utilize /spells list whenever you like to explore every spell and its patterns.

Arcanus mod will grant you unique armor, tools, and weapons.


  • Fabric API
  • Fabric Modloader


Minecraft Mod 1.18.2

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