Better Questing Triggerer Mod 1.12.2

Category: Addons

Better Questing Triggerer Mod 1.12.2/1.11.2/1.10.2 provides you with an item. You make use of this item to access the Better Questing GUI.

Better Questing Triggerer
Better Questing Triggerer

You find it easy to open an interface using a key. However, if you play with Minecraft mods or modpacks, this may cause the key to be overlapped. Due to this, you cannot perform this action. Now, you can do this task in a simple way thanks to an item.

This item is given by a mod called Better Questing Triggerer. It is known as an addon for Better Questing. With the item, you can easily open the GUI of the original mod. It is textured as a GameBoyColor for now. However, there will be more textures in the future.

There are some configs you can use in the game:

  • Provide the player with the item when you begin a new world (true/false).
  • Turn on a recipe for crafting the item back (true/false).

You can add Better Questing Triggerer to any modpacks. Before you install it in the game, you have to complete its requirements which are the installations of Minecraft Forge and Better Questing.


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Minecraft Mod 1.12.2
Minecraft Mod 1.11.2

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