Black Hole Fabric Mod 1.16.5 is a mod bringing lots of black holes to the world in Minecraft. These holes are strong because they will suck everything in.
Your in-game world becomes more dangerous when it is partly dominated by black holes. The function of these holes is to absorb your world around them. Not only that, it will suck lots of things in due to its strength. The most special thing about them is that their size will be increased over time. You should also notice that these black holes will go behind you whenever you make movements.
The app allows you to use some commands such as:
- /blackhole spawn: You will make a black hole appear in the world.
- /blackhole pause: You can prevent the hole from increasing its size, going after you, sucking as well as dealing damage to elements like players, entities and even the world.
- /blackhole resume: It will get backs to all of its actions mentioned above.
- /blackhole grow : This allows you to alter the growth speed of the holes.
- /blackhole follow changes: You can make changes to the following speed of the holes.
- /blackhole pull : Its pulling speed will be altered.
- /blackhole damage : You can alter if it deals damage to the environment or not.
Here are some requirements of Black Hole that you must meet before you launch it in the game:
- Fabric Modloader
- Fabric API
- Cardinal Components API
- Cloth Config API
- Mod Menu
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Minecraft Mod 1.16.5