Block Armor Mod is a Minecraft mod 1.12.2 and 1.11.2 that comes along with the addition of sets of armor. These sets are crafted from multiple blocks in the game. Get ready to follow the article in order to have further information about how the mod works.
As mentioned above, these sets of armor the mod adds in-game are made out of blocks including even blocks from other Minecraft mods. It is worth noting that depending on the block the armor is crafted from, they are different from stats. Especially, several sets of armor have effects when you wear all four pieces of armor. Moreover, the armor texture has support for resource packs as well.
All sets of armor are made making use of the armor block type from the standard crafting recipe for armor but Sugarcane, Snow, and Emerald armor are exceptions. It means that Obsidians armor will be crafted from Obsidian, or Lapis armor will be crafted from Lapis blocks. Snow armor will utilize leather or a leather chest-plate in order to replace snow blocks while Sugarcane and Emerald armor will utilize the item form meaning that Emerald will use emerald, not emerald block.
Additional Mods:
- The special feature of this mod is that whenever other mods including blocks are added into Minecraft, armor will be added for almost these blocks.
Armor Sets:
- A full set of armor items is added for each valid block.
- Each of the items will be created by making use of the wanted block in the shape the armor is made commonly. They are also able to be repaired with that block.
Animated Textures:
- Notice that sets of armor that are crafted from blocks with an animated will own an animated texture too.
Resource Packs:
- Whenever a resource pack is added to the game, the textures of the armor will modify with the texture of the block.
Set Effects:
- When you wear at least the certain number of pieces needed for set effects, a few sets of armor will obtain special and unique effects as well as bonuses.
- Any sets of armor or set effects are able to be enabled or disabled simply in the configuration file.
- Moreover, the number of pieces needed for set effects can also be changed.
In short, Block Armor Mod 1.12.2/1.11.2 brings players many more sets of armor with special effects.