Endless Ocean: Adventures Mod 1.16.5 makes your aquatic adventure in Minecraft much better. It brings new creatures, items, blocks, and more to explore.

Endless Ocean: Adventures
The Biomes mod above took inspiration from Endless Ocean: Blue World. Although it was inspired by that mod, it still has its own differences to discover. The mod brings you some new blocks, items, mechanics, as well as mobs. You can make your way through lots of places to find treasures or even explore more creatures. Not only that, but the mod also allows you to build some aquarium constructions.
Some special features and content of the mod:
- Various places for you to discover such as Atoll, Ciceros Strait, Gatama, Cortica River, and so forth.
- You can find some bubblers in patches of sand carpets, sea pickles as well as custom corals.
- There are some custom fish AI that you will encounter on your way.
- Many types of fishes to explore, for instance, Whale Shark, Blue Whale, and Narwhale.
There are still more features awaiting you ahead. Hence, you are recommended to install the mod if you are a fan of aquatic adventures. Endless Ocean: Adventures Mod is quite usable in the game only when you previously install Minecraft Forge.