Interactic Fabric Mod 1.18.2/1.17.1 adds newer ways to help you interact with dropped items easier. It consists of many different features that you can explore here for free.

What is Interactic?
It’s a creation by gliscowo. The author has built his project from the ground up for Fabric. Some features of the mod are inspired by ItemPhysic.
List of the main features
Fancy Item Rendering
Items can spin when they are falling. They move at a changing speed, depending on how fast they fall.
Once they hit the ground, they will stay in flat and compact stacks.
Better Pickup and Tooltips
You’re able to pick up objects by using RMB on them. You can do that from several blocks away.
If looking at one, you can check its tooltip below your crosshair.
Item Filter
It’s a tool to well manage everything that you like to automatically collect.
It’s possible to configure it to utilize a white/blacklist. Whichever from that list will ask you to gather them with Right-clicking or sneaking.
It’s feasible to disable auto-pickup to cause everybody to pick up all clearly.
Item Throwing
Easy to throw something when holding the Drop key for a while. You can toss it further if you press the key longer.
Stuff will have a damage modifier on them. They will inflict damage to the target.
Client-only mode
Auto-switch off server-side features. Only offers enhanced rendering with tooltips.
Interactic is a miscellaneous mod. It requires Fabric API and Fabric Modloader.