If you want your doors to have unique animations, then you can install the MalisisDoors Mod 1.12.2/1.10.2/1.7.10. It brings various animations to door constructions.
If doors in Minecraft come with animations, they will look so cool. Therefore, you are recommended to try a Cosmetic mod named MalisisDoors. It aims to bring lots of new animations to several types of doors, trap doors, as well as fence gates. Besides, the mod also includes some new doors for you to build, for instance:
- Animated doors: They come with animations to enhance the actions of the vanilla doors.
- Glass doors: You now have two new sliding doors (coming in wooden and iron). They act as common doors. But, they will slide into the block that is beside them rather than rotating on themselves.
- Wooden doors and Iron Trapdoor: They now come with new animations that look much better than the old doors.
- Laboratory doors: These doors slide upwards.
- Factory doors: They slide upwards and downwards.
- Shoji doors: This door slides on the side at a slow speed.
Besides exploring doors with animations, the mod also lets you construct the doors using a machine. You can completely decide the way it looks as well as the way it makes movements.
Here is what MalisisDoors requires:
- Minecraft Forge
- MalisiCore