Minefactory Reloaded Mod 1.10.2/1.7.10/1.6.4 is a special mod with the ability to add the ability to automate some difficult, boring, or laborious tasks. Therefore, there is no reason for you to ignore this mod during the game.

About Minefactory Reloaded mod
In fact, this mod will come with a lot of machines, automatic tasks, such as mob grinding, farming, animal care, enchanting, ore processing, or playing jukebox so you can feel free to explore in the game.
In addition, the mod also provides some additional support blocks to the game, some new items, a new type of Rubber Tree, as well as Precision Sledgehammer, a new type of tool used to manipulate blocks similar to a wrench or some other thing.
Besides, the mod also includes a lot of automation and promises to bring you countless great experiences during exploration.
Minefactory Reloaded Mod will be installed through Minecraft Forge.
CoFH Core (For Minecraft 1.7.10+).
PowerCrystals CoreĀ (For Minecraft 1.6.4-)