Oxidized 1.18.2

Category: Cosmetic

Oxidized (Forge/Fabric) Mod 1.18.2/1.17.1 will offer more uses for vanilla copper in 1.17. It adds copper to vanilla Minecraft and provides the player numerous advantages.


Major features of Oxidized

Every feature in the mod is available as follows.

Copper Pulsar

It’s an electromagnet-inspired tool. In the inventory, the pulsar will help you collect experience orbs with items. It can work x10 further than the regular pickup range.

Right-click to switch on/off it.

Copper Rail

Its functionality is as same as the Powered Rail. But, there is a difference. The change is that a chain of connected copper rails can maintain power for up to 100 blocks.

Vertical Cut Copper

It’s a building block. It’s a design like a  copper block with a line through the center.

The object can oxidize as normal copper. Nevertheless, you can wax it and block that process by using a honeycomb.

Copper Kiln

It’s a new special furnace sort. The kiln can smelt cobblestone, sand, clay, and logs at a very fast speed.

The kiln is the means to gather terracotta, bricks, stone, charcoal, and glass for building rapidly.

Copper Lantern

It’s a lantern type. It emits a green flame.

You can craft these with 8 copper nuggets around a single torch.

You can obtain copper nuggets by placing a copper ingot on a crafting table.

Rose Gold Tools

Rose Gold is a tool material that you can make on a smithing table.

Oxidized is a cosmetic mod for processing.


  • Minecraft Forge
  • Fabric Modloader
  • Fabric API


Download Links

Minecraft Mod 1.18.2 (Fabric)
Minecraft Mod 1.18.1 (Fabric)