Productive Bees 1.16.5

Category: Cosmetic

Productive Bees Mod 1.18.2/1.17.1/1.16.5 puts lots of advanced beehives and resource bees in Minecraft. So, bees are now able to create resources.

Productive Bees
Productive Bees

It seems that the collection of mobs in the game is expanding. This has been proven by the above Mobs mod called Productive Bees. It adds lots of handy bees with an exclusive look. Hence, the mod has become quite attractive to players. These new bees will help you make various resources. Here are some characteristics about the mod you should know:

  • All the bees live alone in nests.
  • You are allowed to include your favorite bees in the game.
  • The mod is also customizable.
  • You can deactivate the existing bees in the game.
  • All resources and rates are edible.
  • JEI (Just Enough Items) is recommendable to appear in the game since it provides you with recipes to breed bees.

Productive Bees Mod is consistent with The Bumblezone, Buzzier Bees, JEI, Patchouli, The One Probe, and Resourceful Bees. Besides, you are required to finish the installation of Minecraft Forge before you start to install the mod in the game.


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Minecraft Mod 1.18.2
Minecraft Mod 1.16.5
Minecraft Mod 1.15.2