Recurrent Complex Mod 1.12.2/1.11.2 for Minecraft

Recurrent Complex Mod 1.12.2/1.11.2 is added into the Minecraft game with the aim of improving and enhancing the structure aspect for players. If you are excited about this aspect and want to discover more about the mod, you can follow the article right now.


Essentially, the mod, as mentioned above, will focus on structure in Minecraft. Made by Ivorius, the mod mentions to the auto-generated structure system and then provides in-game a larger number of new locations for players to explore. In addition, it also allows players to customize special stats of these structures to fit the player’s preference.


The mod comes along with a lot of outstanding features relating to structure in Minecraft. Specifically:

  • Generate additional unique structures in a newly generated world.
  • The mod provides any number of structures into the automatic generation.
  • The possibility to import and export structures between worlds
  • Add special commands and tools for players to build at ease.
  • Provide randomized chest content into structures such as chest loot and cave generation
  • The ability to generate structures within other structures.
  • Add in the game complete 2D and 3D mazes.
  • It is a Server-Side mod
  • Allow you to create your own structure
  • Your structures can spawn in natural terrain

Download Recurrent Complex for free here and enjoy all of its greatness.


Minecraft Forge











Instructions on installing Recurrent Complex Mod

  • Minecraft Forge, IvToolkit must be installed in advance.
  • On your computer, you start finding the Minecraft application folder. There are two ways to find the application, depending on the OS you are using:
    • For Windows PC, from the Start menu, you start “Run” then type like this: “%appdata%”. Select “Run” when everything is done.
    • For Mac, you launch finder and press down ALT. Then, you select Go and choose Library displayed in the top menu bar. Next, you will access the Application Support folder where you will find Minecraft.
  • You put the downloaded Recurrent Complex Mod into the Mods folder.
  • Start to open the game then select the mods button. This is when you know the Recurrent Complex Mod is already installed.

Recurrent Complex Mod Download Links

Minecraft Mod 1.12.2
Minecraft Mod 1.11.2
Minecraft Mod 1.10.2
Minecraft Mod 1.7.10

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