Resource Loader [Fabric] 1.16.2/1.15.2

Category: Cosmetic

Resource Loader 1.16.2/1.15.2 is an extremely useful mod with the ability to change the convenient texture in the game Minecraft. More specifically, the mod will support changing the basic texture without installing an external Resource pack, which can be used with mods with similar functions. Download the mod and enjoy the exciting features it brings today.

About Resource Loader Fabric mod

Thanks to this mod, you can add new resources to Minecraft. Of course, you can still use other Resource packs, they will show up in the Resource Pack window for you to freely experience, The only thing you need to do is just add resources to a simple folder for packaging back when needed.

After installing this mod, you will see a folder named Resources created in the main Minecraft folder. This is where you will add the resources. It will also be the case that you do not know which resource location contains the domain name and path, with this mod the resource domain name is usually Mod ID.

Anything you put in the resource folder will overwrite the original resource but not replace the installed Resource pack packages. If you want to overwrite everything, including the above Resource packs, you must create a new folder called Oresources. Then, resources that are put into Oresources will have the highest priority.

In brief, the Resource Loader Fabric mod is worth you using in the future. Like other mods, please install Fabric API and Fabric Modloader before you want to use this mod. You certainly surprised by the feature of this mod

Instructions on installing Resource Loader [Fabric]

  • Fabric Modloader and Fabric API must be installed in advance.
  • On your computer, you start finding the Minecraft application folder. There are two ways to find the application, depending on the OS you are using:
    • For Windows PC, from the Start menu, you start “Run” then type like this: “%appdata%”. Select “Run” when everything is done.
    • For Mac, you launch finder and press down ALT. Then, you select Go and choose Library displayed in the top menu bar. Next, you will access the Application Support folder where you will find Minecraft.
  • You put the downloaded Resource Loader [Fabric] into the Mods folder.
  • Start to open the game then select the mods button. This is when you know the Resource Loader [Fabric] is already installed.

Resource Loader [Fabric] Download Links

Minecraft Mod 1.16.2
Minecraft Mod 1.16.1
Minecraft Mod 1.15.2