Roost Mod 1.12.2

Category: Farming

Roost [Forge] Mod 1.12.2/1.11.2/1.10.2 provides chickens a location to rest: Roost. It’s necessary to prepare to collect enough materials and craft that place as soon as possible!


How to utilize the Roost mod

These are the main features and the guide to show you how to create or use them.

Chicken Catcher

You should craft the tool with an egg, a stick, and a feather. Then, wield the catcher on a chicken to capture it and drop it into your inventory.


If a chicken is resting in a roost, everything it drops will exist in that shelter. A single roost can contain up to 16 chickens at a time.

Chicken Breeder

When you have 2 chickens in the same breeder, they will close the privacy curtains. Afterward, they will begin to breed.

The breeder can keep up to 64 seeds at once. The device will consume 2 seeds each time the chickens breed.

Roost Collector

The collector is able to pull all of the items that chickens drop out of nearby Roosts. It can act on a 9×9 area centered above the collector.

Mod integrations

The mod supports Chickens from the Chickens and More Chickens mods.

ContentTweaker integration

Once adding a chicken via ContenntTweaker is complete, there will be two textures. They are given to the chicken’s block and item models in locations below.



Modpack permissions

It is open source. You may include it in any mod packs.

Roost is a farming mod that is very convenient to enhance your abilities in the game. Follow the requirement to experience the new henhouse!


  • Minecraft Forge


Download Links

Minecraft Mod 1.12.2
Minecraft Mod 1.11.2
Minecraft Mod 1.10.2

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