Skin Layers 3D (Fabric/Forge) Mod 1.18.2/1.17.1/1.16.5 adds to the game a few 3D Skin Layers. Their appearance will take the place of the old flat 2d layers.

How to manage Skin Layers 3D
In fact, present additions replace the 2d layer of player skins that you have ever seen before. In other words, you will receive a 3D modeled version.
These layers are able to automatically swap to the vanilla 2D rendering if players are further away than 12 blocks. They do that to increase the frame rate.
Not only that, they can support transparent parts on objects like glasses.
Note that the outer skin layer is slightly bigger than the main player model. Therefore, the cubes will not line up with the skin without fault.
Because the mod is completely visual and entirely client-side, it’s unnecessary to install it on servers. Moreover, it can operate wherever.
HD Skins
The author tested it with:
First-person mod
Not enough animations
You can support the developer via Discord or GitHub.
Skin Layers 3D is a cosmetic mod that changes your gaming experience in a better manner. It’s available for Fabric and Forge.
- Minecraft Forge
- Fabric API
- Fabric Modloader