Smooth Font Mod 1.12.2/1.11.2/1.10.2 can draw every font in a smooth way so it’s easy to read on all scales. It allows you to utilize any font set on your computer as well.
Smooth Font Features
These are the main features in the mod.
A successor to the mod called Unicode Font Extension. Aside from the Unicode fonts, it’s also useful for default MC fonts. It contains improvements for many functions, too.
Feasible to display characters in a clean manner even in various cases. These situations comprise scaling down, fractional scaling, and oblique viewing angles.
Multiple additional functions. They relate to using the fonts installed on your PC or turning on the Large GUI scale in the Unicode font mode. Moreover, it revolves around optimizing the mode that levels up some performance issues of a classic font renderer (v1.16~)
How to begin
Press the home key to access the configuration GUI.
It’s a client-side release. It’s unessential to locate on the server.
Avoid utilizing Unicode Font Extension with the current edition. They will conflict.
Identify “enableFontRendererTweaks=false” in FastCraft.ini before deploying it with FastCraft on MC 1.7.10!
Smooth Font is a cosmetic mod. It’s necessary to download and install Minecraft Forge before joining!