Surge Mod 1.12.2

Category: Cosmetic

Surge Mod 1.12.2/1.10.2 is an open-source mod available to use. Its goal is to make the load time and the performance of the game you play become better.

Features of Surge

There are various significant features.

Load Times

We have Fast Prefix Checking. It can polish prefix checking of Forge ID. The aim is to level up the time it uses to generate and register the new stuff to the game registry.

Besides, there is Animated JSON Model Checking. It also cleans up the custom animated model loader of Forge. It’ll set stronger loading times.

Meanwhile, Disable Debug Sound Infor will disable the debug code for missing sounds and subtitles. It advances the sound loading times.


SheepDyeblendTable will activate the sheep color blending code to deploy a predefined table. That will replace the vanilla behavior.

Bug fixes

Max Rename Length – solved an issue in which renaming long items in an anvil could cause the error


Show Total Load Time will point out the total game load time in the console. You can see how changing your game influences load time.

Surge is a cosmetic mod. Install Minecraft Forge because it requires!


Download Links

Minecraft Mod 1.12.2
Minecraft Mod 1.10.2