Victus – Custom Hearts 1.16.5

Category: Magic

Victus – Custom Hearts [Fabric] Mod 1.18.2/1.17.1/1.16.5 is the place where you’re able to create custom hearts. Not only that, it’s possible to deploy them on top of your health bar.

Victus - Custom Hearts
Victus – Custom Hearts

Victus – Custom Hearts Description

Victus is a mod about Hearts. It also revolves around the way that you can use these hearts in newer and more exciting ways.

You may have ever watched one of the “Minecraft but there are Custom Hearts” videos. Victus is an implementation that is friendly for gameplay. It can express that concept exactly.

In other words, it’s completely feasible for you to craft hearts. Then, you can apply the so-called Heart Aspects to your health bar. You will receive fascinating and helpful effects when breaking them.

List of the aspects

The Archery Aspect – fires arrows at your rivals

The Draconic Aspect – calls for Dragon’s Breath

The Evoking Aspect – spawns Vexes

The Totem Aspect – operates like a Totem of Undying

And many more

Other information

To learn about an in-depth explanation of the mod’s mechanics and each aspect, please look up the Victus Journal! It is a guidebook full of features. Keep in mind that Patchouli is a required dependency because of that exact reason!

If you have any questions or issues, you can join GitHub or Discord.

Victus – Custom Hearts is a magic mod. It should exist in your next journey. It’s useful to build up a perfect health bar your way.


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Minecraft Mod 1.16.5

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