Waila Stages Mod 1.12.2/1.11.2 is an assisting utility for GameStage API. It helps you approach Waila HUD and limits tooltip information.
The mod acts as an addon for the original GameStage API. This original mod is about the stages in Minecraft. You may want to know more about stages before you try this addon, which is a recommendable thing. To be more specific a bit, stages are regarded as an abstract concept. All stages are unlockable based on some conditions. The way you unlock them is based on the modpack or the server you are using. To make the original mod function better, you should get this addon installed. It is able to block some tooltip entries behind a gate. When you use the mod, you can configure this to your likings.
The extra restrictions can be operated by utilizing CradftTweaker. You have two scripting ways to use, for instance:
- mods.WailaStages.addWailaStage: It utilizes the stage name as an alternative to the stage string. Then, the players have to ask for that stage to observe the Waila HUD.
- mods.WailaProgression.addRequirement: The name of the stage is used as an alternative to the stage string. After that, it substitutes the prefix with the text of the information to limit. In case the tooltip line begins with the word Power, the line will be limited to the stage if Power is added as the prefix.
Waila Stages does need Minecraft Forge so it can perform its functions in the game.