Ynet Fabric Mod 1.16.1/1.15.2 took inspiration from a mod called XNet which was made by McJty. You use it to convey items, fluids, as well as energy.

According to this mod’s creator, he made this mod from the ground up. Also, it was specifically designed for Minecraft Fabric. The mod aims to enhance the energy, fluid, and item transport aspect. You can convey them easily on one cable through the use of a connector and some controllers. For more details about how the mod functions, you are recommended to research XNet documentation.

The following mods are the mods that get support from this mod:

  • Tech Reborn
  • Simple Drawers
  • Vanilla
  • Linked Storage

If you are a mod developer, you can approach some extra files in which you will find the -api and -sources jars. They are all usable for adding providers of your own for magical energy, gases, or things like that. If you think Ynet is a mod that you want for improving the item transportation aspect in the game, then install it now. The installation is free. However, the mod still requires Fabric Modloader and Fabric API for its operation in the game.

Download Links

Minecraft Mod 1.16.1
Minecraft Mod 1.15.2

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