Arachnid Rancher 1.16.5

Category: MCreator

Arachnid Rancher [Forge] Mod 1.16.5 gives you various types of spiders. Aside from that, it is possible for you to learn and join their growth process.

Arachnid Rancher
Arachnid Rancher

How to use Arachnid Rancher

The mod will occur through numerous stages as follows.

Stage 0: The Spider or the Egg

It’s necessary to seek and gather 8 Spider Eyes with a Single Chicken Egg before you craft something unique.

Stage 1: Egg

Remember to place the egg down before it hatches!

Stage 2: Spiderling (Current Domestic Spider)

It’s impossible to tame them. They are only babies and they won’t listen to you or anybody. However, they can do that if you are holding their favorite snack.

Whenever they eat, they will spit out a bit of string. Meanwhile, they are always hungry.

They will grow up and turn into an Adult after around 20 minutes.

Unfortunately, they are not breedable. They are babies.

Stage 3: Adult Domesticated Spider

They have experienced their grown spurt to enter the third period of Arachnid Rancher. They don’t have a desire to satisfy their hunger as before.

Sometimes, you are able to harvest some string.

They will know how to protect themselves if somebody or something attacks them. Please don’t hit them or you monster!

It’s feasible to put a saddle on their back and ride them around!

You can heal and breed these creatures by feeding them dark oak leaves.

When they’re grown, they behave like an animal. Shall they turn into a smarter pet or a companion in combat?

Note! Past that point, your spider will not develop in a natural way. Fortunately, you can help them.

If you want to evolve these mobs beyond the present level, They cannot breed. Additionally, changes are unalterable except for the saddled adult.

Stage 3-B: Saddled Adult (manage them by using a Saddle)

If you determine to set a saddle on, you will obtain a great spide steed. It can defend itself and move much faster than a poor horse.

Feed it dark oak leaves to heal.

You can remove the saddle by right-clicking them with shears.

Stage 4-A: Bone Spider (manage by feeding an Adult Bones)

After tasting bone, the spider’s body in Arachnid Rancher will pass through a considerable difference. It will not make string. But, it creates a strong armor plating.

It’s not simple to utilize that armor plating because it’s not comfortable. Besides, it can break any saddle.

Now, your spider is armor and ready to destroy other mobs. It can be a loyal and great guard dog.

In combat, if you right-click on your tamed spider, it will go after you wherever. You can right-click to disable that.

You’re capable of leading your companion around with a bone meal that is the item to heal their damage.

So, they are pretty aggressive. When they kill a mob, they will achieve a temporary regeneration effect.

Stage 4-B: Zombie Spider (work after eating Rotten Flesh)

When they taste rotten flesh, they will love that food so much. It means that you will own a very hungry spider that likes zombies.

Identical to the Bone Spider, it is a variant that goes with the following abilities.

They restore health if you feed them the rotten flesh of their foes.

They are especially more powerful when fighting against the undead. They even will cause extra damage to the enemies.

Stage 4-C: Blaze Spider (trigger them with an Adult Blaze Rods)

It’s a variant that breaks natural laws and consumes the pure fire within a blaze rod.

It currently fends off your rivals with that fire.

It will follow you and will set the opponent on fire when they attack.

Also, heal them by feeding blaze power

Arachnid Rancher is a mod that the owner generated via MCreator. It revolves around special mobs.


  • Minecraft Forge


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Minecraft Mod 1.16.5

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