Techopolis Mod Mod 1.16.5

Category: Automation

Techopolis Mod 1.16.5 can work for the techopolis modpack as well as run as a standalone mod. It will give you a few new items.

Techopolis Mod
Techopolis Mod

It contains all of the technium ingots along with every technium pickaxe.

Not only that, new armors will become better with each level of technium.

Besides, the energy drink food will offer haste when you eat it.

Techbuck coffee is edible to grant speed.

At the moment, mobs can drop various types of mob essence. Select the essence and you can create mob items like leather, enderpearl, and more.

Techopolis Mod brings back new technology. Please launch JEI to view all recipes!


  • Minecraft Forge


Minecraft Mod 1.16.5

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