Actually Additions Mod 1.12.2

Category: Energy

Actually Additions Mod 1.12.2 by Ellpeck has added a large number of machines, tools, food types, and other notable utilities. Let’s see the entire features that it contains!

About Actually Additions

It’s a mod workable with Minecraft versions like 1.7.10, 1.8.9, 1.9.4, and 1.10.2. The most stable releases are for MC 1.7.10 and the last one.

How it works

Similar to many industrial mods, AAM often deploys RF energy to power its devices.

However, it also owns generators and machines that can operate without energy.

It does not supplement standard wires or tubes to manage item logistics and energy flow.

It comprises special blocks, for example, the ESD or Phantomface.

Capacitors will run alike with the ones in GregTech 4 instead of Thermal Expansion.

Cubes like Energizer, Enervator, and 5 battery kinds can store RF and charge instruments with it.

At present, the edition is being ported to 1.16.5+.

Actually Additions is a technology mod that promises to bring back a better future. It requires Minecraft Forge!


Minecraft Mod 1.12.2

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