Advanced Hook Launchers Mod 1.19.2

As its name implies, Advanced Hook Launchers Mod 1.19.2/1.18.2/1.16.5 will add new types of Hook to the Minecraft world. Hook types with this special ability will make it easier to move or even pull a creature towards you. Download and explore the mod today.

Advanced Hook Launchers

About Advanced Hook Launchers mod

As you know the world in Minecraft game exists in many different types of terrain, some of them are extremely dangerous that if you are not careful you can lose your life at any time. If you are a lover of in-game exploration, then surely you must always have a headache to find a solution to this problem. That’s why this mod was developed to provide you with a tool to simplify the process above.

In the game, Hook is an extremely convenient tool with the ability to help you easily escape difficult terrain, difficult to move, and overcome a multitude of different obstacles. And the Hook in this mod is the same. Thanks to it, you will save a lot of travel time, you can even use it to pull a distant creature towards you quickly.

With an extremely simple, multi-functional crafting formula, you can use them in many different situations to assist you during the game. That is the reason why you should not ignore this mod in the future.

If you want to use theĀ Advanced Hook Launchers mod, please download Minecraft Forge and Forge EnderTech mod first for this mod can work effectively.


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Minecraft Mod 1.19.2

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