Energy Converters Mod 1.12.2

Category: Energy

Energy Converters Mod 1.12.2/1.11.2/1.10.2 puts three types of blocks into Minecraft. Each block will take on a different function.

The idea of this Energy mod was inspired by the PowerCrystals of the Power Converters Mod. In spite of that, every mod brings a different set of content to explore. In the Energy Converters mod, you will have three block types to use. They are Energy Consumers, Energy Producers, and Energy Bridge. Here are their functions in the game:

  • Energy Consumer: It absorbs energy from an energy source. Then, it will keep the energy right inside an Energy Bridge that is next to it.
  • Energy Producer: The energy will be changed into another type. However, you have to make sure that you link a cable or a certain machine to the producer.
  • Energy Bridge: It gives support to 6 consumers as well as other producers. However, any consumer or producer can link to one bridge at a time.

The reason why you should apply the mod to the game is that it helps you create the required energy by changing from one energy type to another. Therefore, you will find it easy to change from EU to EU. Energy Converters also supports some mods such as Redston Flux (RF), IC2 EU, Tesla, Forge Energy (FE), TecnReborn, and Buildcraft. Keep in mind that Minecraft Forge is also required for the functioning of the mod.


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Minecraft Mod 1.12.2
Minecraft Mod 1.11.2
Minecraft Mod 1.10.2

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