Flux Networks Mod 1.18.2/1.16.5/1.12.2

Category: Energy

Flux Networks Mod 1.18.2/1.16.5/1.12.2 allows you to create Wireless Energy Networks in Minecraft. Then, you can personalize the networks in an easy way.

Flux Networks
Flux Networks

Building networks is such a great thing in Minecraft. Therefore, you should also need to focus on this activity every time you play it. With the appearance of the Technology mod like Flux Networks, you can easily craft Wireless Energy Networks without any complications. Not only that, but the mod also lets you configure the networks in your own way. After that, you can control the energy flow throughout the world.

By using the mod, you don’t need to install cables everywhere. Thus, this helps reduce lag as well as save your time too. You are allowed to convey energy through dimensions, which makes it easy to manage the energy.

Here are several crucial features of the mod:

  • You can convey wireless energy through dimensions.
  • It automatically converses energy.
  • There are no limits to the Transfer Rates.
  • You can protect your networks by setting passwords for them.
  • You can arrange the priorities of the network.
  • It also allows you to set names for your networks as well as color them.
  • Every connection should have a name so you can easily identify it.
  • You can allow players who will have the right to approach your network.
  • Every connection also provides chunk loading abilities.
  • The connections have wireless-edit settings.
  • You will also get the Super Admin right that allows you to eliminate inactive networks, change ownership, and so forth.
  • There are some graphs that you use to watch over the recent energy spikes or drops.
  • The mod also gives support to other mods such as EU, AE2 IE, and Forge Energy.

Flux Networks needs to have Minecraft Forge and Sonar Core for the in-game functioning.



Instructions on installing Flux Networks Mod

  • Minecraft Forge must be installed in advance.
  • On your computer, you start finding the Minecraft application folder. There are two ways to find the application, depending on the OS you are using:
    • For Windows PC, from the Start menu, you start “Run” then type like this: “%appdata%”. Select “Run” when everything is done.
    • For Mac, you launch finder and press down ALT. Then, you select Go and choose Library displayed in the top menu bar. Next, you will access the Application Support folder where you will find Minecraft.
  • You put the downloaded Flux Networks Mod into the Mods folder.
  • Start to open the game then select the mods button. This is when you know the Flux Networks Mod is already installed.

Flux Networks Mod Download Links

Minecraft Mod 1.18.2
Minecraft Mod 1.16.5
Minecraft Mod 1.16.4
Minecraft Mod 1.15.2
Minecraft Mod 1.12.2
Minecraft Mod 1.11.2
Minecraft Mod 1.10.2
Minecraft Mod 1.9.4

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