JER Integration Mod 1.18.2/1.16.5 adds more computing abilities to Just Enough Resources (JER), another mod. Here is the way that you can learn to use the new addition.

How JER Integration works
It allows the present JER Integration to launch the current compatibility patches that are:
Mob Drops (supplements loots that mobs will offer)
Dungeon Loot (adds missing loot tables)
Ore Gen (releases missing ores)
Plant Drops (gives out plant drops)
The existing compatibility list is obtainable in the Dependencies section.
These are required dependencies, including Just Enough Items (JEI), Just Enough Resources (JER).
Besides, there are some optional or compatibles such as Tinkers Construct 3, Mekanism.
Other info
You can contribute to developing the content by reporting bugs, requesting newer features, fixing bugs, changing any helpful code.
JER Integration is an add-on mod about Map and Information. It will require you to download and install Minecraft Forge before installing anything.