Kibe Fabric Mod 1.18.2

Category: Fabric

Kibe Fabric Mod 1.18.2/1.17.1/1.16.5 is made for Fabric. It adds a bunch of cool stuff and unique features to Minecraft. You can explore and use them all!

Kibe Utilities
Kibe Utilities

Since this is a Miscellaneous mod, you will have plenty of miscellaneous stuff to find out. All of the new features enhance your gameplay a lot. Every single item comes with different use and unique functions. They also help you interact with the in-game world easily. Besides, you need to keep in mind that the new items and features in this mod are mostly unoriginal things. Hence, they will give you a new experience!

Here are the primary features available in the mod:

  • Entangled Chests: They are linked chests you can use in many dimensions. They contain the same items provided that they have the same color code.
  • Cursed Dirt: This is the block that looks like grass. When it comes in contact with sunlight, it will burn. The block will appear a lot for monsters when it is in dark environments.
  • Elevators: When you step on these blocks, you can teleport upwards and downwards easily. This happens only when it detects another elevator above or below it.
  • Vacuum Hoppers: They are the blocks that have the ability to draw close-by released items and experience orbs to their inventory.
  • Slime Boots: You can wear boots to take less fall damage and bounce when you come in contact with the floor.
  • Slime Sling: This item launches you in the sky when you charge it and while you are aiming at a block.

Kibe Mod requires:

  • Fabric API
  • Fabric Kotlim
  • PlayerAbilityLib by Pyrofab
  • Lib Block Attributes by AlexIIL


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Minecraft Mod 1.18.2
Minecraft Mod 1.16.5
Minecraft Mod 1.15.2

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