Moar Tinkers Mod 1.12.2

Moar Tinkers Mod 1.12.2/1.10.2 puts various material types into Minecraft. You can make use of them when you use Tinkers’ Construct mod.

You may want to know what Tinkers’ Construct is about. It is a mod that adds lots of mineral types, manufacturing tools, as well as some recipes for crafting items. One of the most important elements of this mod is the materials that it brings. These materials can be divided into many types such as raw ores, alloy, liquid metal, liquid alloy, and more. They are all used for crafting armor, tools, and weapons. However, the number of materials in the original mod is not large. Therefore, the Moar Tinkers is recommendable for players because it brings extra materials that are more useful to use.

The mod adds a bunch of metals from other mods such as:

  • Enderium
  • Iridium
  • Platinum
  • Signalum
  • Mithril/Mana Infused
  • Lumium
  • Constantan
  • Invar
  • Nickel
  • Tin
  • Brass
  • Zinc
  • Aluminum

Here is the material from Redstone Arsenal:

  • Fluxed Electrum

The materials from Tech Reborn/Some IC2 include:

  • Refined Iron
  • Tungsten
  • Titanium
  • Tungstensteel
  • Chrome
  • Advanced Alloy
  • Rubber

Materials from Mekanism are:

  • Refined Glowstone
  • Refined Obsidian
  • Osmium

There are still other materials and metals from other mods. So, you need to install Moar Tinkers with Minecraft Forge to use all the new materials for crafting your items.


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Minecraft Mod 1.12.2
Minecraft Mod 1.10.2

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