NetherOres Mod 1.7.10/1.6.4 is a mod bringing some ore blocks to the Nether dimension in Minecraft. These blocks are equal to the ore blocks in Overworld.
The Nether is also a nice dimension full of ores and resources to explore. Hence, you can venture into it to get those resources when you feel a need for them. Now, the dimension is more upgraded with lots of ore blocks. These blocks are like Overworld ore blocks.
All the ores in this dimension change into their surface copies in a furnace. However, for some ores, like Redstone or Coal, for instance, you probably have to use a pick to smack them. Or, they have to be infused to become more useful.
It will be interesting to explore Nether to find some ores. You can put NetherOres into the game so you can get yourself a good amount of ores to use. The mod functions in the game with the requirements of installing Minecraft Forge and CoFHCore.
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