Ore Excavation Integration Mod 1.12.2

Ore Excavation Integration Mod 1.12.2/1.11.2/1.10.2 is an interesting mod in Minecraft game with the ability to expand the Ore excavation process with support for Enchantment and Tinkers ‘Construct. Download the mod today to be able to explore it in more detail.

Ore Excavation Integration
Ore Excavation Integration

About Ore Excavation Integration mod

As mentioned above, this mod will add support for Enchantment and Tinker’s Construct with the goal of expanding Ore Excavation and providing a better experience for players. When the mod is added with Ore Excavation, it will not be able to excavate by default.

It should be noted that you need to enchant your tool using the Excavate Enchantment or you can also add the modifier on your Tinkers Tool as well. Notice that you are able to apply 25 modifiers to increase the distance of mining.

Keep in mind that in the mod’s config you can specify a blacklist of items that you want them to be able to add or not to add buffs too.

Ore Excavation Integration Mod will be installed through Minecraft Forge.


Minecraft Forge

Ore Excavation Mod


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Minecraft Mod 1.12.2
Minecraft Mod 1.11.2

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