Pling Fabric Mod 1.18.2/1.17.1/1.16.5 will play a random loud sound when the Minecraft game is fully loaded. Thanks to this interesting mod that you can easily control when your download progress is completed. Download mod and experience today!

About Pling mod
As mentioned above this mod will announce downloading Minecraft by the audio signal. That is why if the game takes too long to load, then you can move away from the computer for a short time or minimize the window with the game and after a pling, go back to the computer or launch a large window. You will certainly no longer feel annoyed like sitting in front of the screen and waiting pointlessly for the download to finish.
This mod is really useful for players who have a weak computer or you use a slow hard drive. Long-term loading of the world can happen if the world is huge in size or contains custom textures and built-in modifications, but now you’ll always know when the world is finished loading.
Once the download is complete, you need to put the downloaded files in your mod folder. You can then edit the configuration using the config / pling.json file. Or, you can use Mod Menu mod to edit it. Additionally, you can find descriptions for every configuration option in the game when you use the Mod Menu.
Now, why don’t you install Fabric Modloader and Fabric API now to use the Pling mod? You certainly have a lot of fantastic experiences with this mod. Good luck to you!