Second Chance 1.16.5

Category: Miscellaneous

Second Chance (Forge) Mod 1.18.2/1.16.5 is a port of the zoeytheegoist’s Fabric mod of the same title. It adds a new feature Coyote Time and offers other crucial information.

Second Chance (Forge)
Second Chance (Forge)

Differences in Second Chance

These are the changes that you can experience.

The release is inspired by the titular possibility from Kingdom Hearts. If you own 7 or more hearts, the damage will presently leave you with half of a heart. Previously, it would kill you in one hit.

Therefore, you can react to what could have been a fatal blow.

Remember that that possibility will not work for fall damage, crushing damage, or void damage.

The author generated it as a type of hidden accessibility feature. It’s advantageous for all players.

Besides, the port will launch another feature, Coyote Time. It’s helpful for you to jump mid-air after you have fallen off a ledge. You’ll be able to survive.

About Config Options

Enable or disable the Second Chance mechanic

Toggle the Coyote Time mechanic

Configure how long you can make mid-air jumps

Do the same for how much health will remain if you gain the  second opportunity

Reset how many hearts you need for the second chance

Control the sound that will play

Second Chance (Forge) is a mod with miscellaneous details. It requires Minecraft Forge.


Minecraft Forge

Download Links

Minecraft Mod 1.18.2
Minecraft Mod 1.16.5

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