Uncraftables Recipes Fabric Mod 1.16.1

Uncraftables Recipes Fabric Mod 1.16.1 adds a multitude of recipes for items. It is quite easy to craft items that were uncraftable before.

As you know, not all Vanilla Minecraft items are craftable. You can obtain some items through grinding. Therefore, this seems to limit the gameplay a bit. This is why the balance of item crafting must be fixed. You are recommended to install a mod for Fabric called Uncraftable Recipes. It adds nothing but various recipes for you to craft items.

Here are some items you can craft in the mod:

  • Tridents: They are quite easy to craft. You must have a long stick, together with some prismarine and diamonds wrapping around it, and with sharp prismarine crystals.
  • Elytras: You have to strap phantom membrane on the end rods with a nether star to create it.
  • Dragon head: You prepare some items like the end crystal, the prismarine, and gilded blackstone.

Here are some great recipes you can use:

  • Chainmail Boots
  • Chainmail Chestplate
  • Chainmail Helmet
  • Chainmail Keggins
  • Creeper Head
  • Crying Obsidian
  • Diamond Horse Armor
  • Dragon Egg
  • Dragon Head
  • Elder Guardian Spawn Egg
  • Elytra
  • Evoker Spawn Egg
  • Gilded Blackstone
  • Golden Horse Armor
  • Iron Horse Armor

Uncraftables Recipes is free to use in any modpacks. However, it can function only when you already installed Fabric and Fabric API.


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Minecraft Mod 1.16.1

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