Vanilla Automated 1.16.2

Category: Fabric

Vanilla Automated Fabric Mod 1.16.3/1.16.2/1.16.1 fills Minecraft with a wide range of mechanisms. They will implement lots of actions automatically like breaking, placing, etc.

Having mechanisms in the game must be very cool. It is because they help you do stuff automatically. The reason why the author made the mod is he got fed up with the game that kept being gridy. Therefore, he made a decision on doing something. He decided to put some new machines into the game to make them automate lots of materials. The speed of the machines is changeable using the config file. Besides, all of them need to have fuel to function rather than power. You can use any type of fuel as long as they are functional in the vanilla furnace.

Here are all the machines added by this Technology mod:

  • Breaker: This machine smashes blocks and it is able to utilize a tool.
  • Placer: The blocks will be automatically placed.
  • Crafter: It helps you craft items.
  • Crusher: Some blocks will be crushed to other blocks and items.
  • Timer: A powerful redstone pulse will be dispatched with a configurable interface.
  • Mob net: It captures a living entity if you right-click on it.
  • Fisher: The machine creates fishing items.
  • Cobblestone generator: The machine creates cobblestone.
  • Magnet: The items will be pulled towards it.
  • Nullifier: All items that are placed into it will be removed.
  • Mob farm block: Place a mob net inside it so it can create its drop.
  • Farmer: It imitates farming.

The Vanilla Automated Mod requires Fabric API so it can be functional in the game.


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Minecraft Mod 1.16.3
Minecraft Mod 1.16.2
Minecraft Mod 1.16.1

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